The 4th Soccer Reich, Germany

Finished!!! No More Football Pleaze They call it a sports but its a culture here in Germany so in many of European and Latin American nations. In a pre-final media encounter Sabella, the introvert Argentine head coach once mentioned, he respected 2 football playing nations, unfortunately one of them just decimated by the other-one he mentioned, Germany. Towards the start of this epic tournament at the home of football, the host was little shaky and far from a convincing champion team. Each time they were facing a team it was rather the emotions than techniques, which were at play. Mayhem Just Began However within 30 mins of their face-off with Germany in the historical semi final in Belo Horizonte , the visitor team mercilessly exterminated the centuries old famous Brazilian soccer culture for ever. Surprisingly, their people started questioning their own faith in the game, but there is no more any football greats, the likes of Pele or Ronaldo to reassu...