
Showing posts from August, 2014

Freshly Brewed Security Threat

Amidst heavy tropical rain, I frantically searched for a local sim card of course with a set of valid documents. However, almost all shop barring none refused to have the stock and made some ridiculous excuses. Well, the place was in the vicinity of a 2 century old university, an otherwise busy market. My search continued for the second time again in the evening with similar fate though this time I stretched my combing operation to cover few other nearby markets. I was almost returning empty handed had it not been a small shop at the temple side.  I asked my industrialist nephew to get down and repeat the inquiry though I was not very confident. I was still behind the wheel waiting for him to say "no" before I press on throttle. We had a silver-lining there, my nephew was smiling covering his head with a tiny waterproof file cover. I asked him twice on the noisy street to confirm whether it was actually there. Little relived now, I asked him for Airtel, h...

Reduce Your Carbon Foot Print.....

Of late, I am of the view that I should dedicate my writings for social cause only. My blogs won't no longer be a piece of writing but a silent movement in making. Though I am keenly working on a topic related to urban hazardous waste but in the meantime I received the invitation for one of my childhood  friends's son's first birth anniversary celebration. The invitation card was received at my native home scheduled in a couple of days. I have been in very sincere thinking about an appropriate recycling and re-usability of invitation cards, essentially the marriage, and birthday cards, which ultimately ends up in dustbin. I remember sometime back I endeavored to prepare gift envelopes from the invitation cards, I used them too and believe me nobody could notice that. However, this is not very easy on all different card types because of the complex designs in few typical cards. So when my nephew informed me about the invitation, I asked him to keep th...