Business Code of Ethics

Being Ethical Being ethical and a businessman are altogether paradoxical. Business is synonymous to growth, only an opportunist person can lead the entire organisation for the fulfillment of the single point objective, boosting up revenue. This is altogether a non-criminal act of prudent business management that may not necessarily be absolutely ethical. When business competitors leave no stone unturned for ensuring each others failure expecting ethical practices is abnormal. Personally I am a big fan of Ratan Tata, the former head of the oldest and largest business empire in India, the Tata Group. The elite list in fact a minuscule archive of gentleman- businessman that I personally adore and admire. Be that be Narayan Murthy of Infy or Mr.Bose, the name i.e. identical to unparalleled acoustic products. Well I never proclaimed, the business practices followed by these organisations just mentioned are completely principled or these gentlemen are completely unaware of the ma...