A Gladiator Who Defied The Anarchist Empress, Again...

Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely. In the late sixties, the proximity towards power exposed this wild side of her more apparently. The madness of her absolute power was so extreme that she demolished the very structure of democracy that initiated her into Indian Politics. The most powerful leader ever born in India was so power hungry that she would happily encroach upon all socio-political codes established by our revered constitution. If I go by the hearsay, she even perpetrated elimination of the most honest and loved leader of our nation in connivance with anti national external forces. As the continuance of the slain leader in office could have perpetually marred the anarchist queen's chances in politics. There were similar allegations around the death of her younger son who was once her chief political mastermind cum henchman. May be that's her strategy to prolong her affair with the chair even if that means killing her own people.

Whenever the paid puppets make frivolous claims about significant contributions of the empress towards developing this ever developing nation, I often charge back with two monumental contributions of her as essential add-ons. Typically two 'C's, Corruption and Criminalisation. Her assertion, "corruption is a global phenomena now', is so reprehensible as a PM of a poor country, exhibits nothing more than a gloomy mindset of the so called tall leader. Truly she is the mother of the entire breed of  politicians of this generation, inheriting those two important genes in their DNA. She did this meticulous and added these 2 perilous pillars systematically into the grand democratic framework of our constitution. 
She returns from electioneering in Orissa. A stone thrown at her split her lip and broke her nose
Can she hide?
 (She returns from electioneering in Orissa. A stone thrown at her split her lip and broke her nose)

Well whenever we discuss about the root of corruption in our country, I find myself lost in the obvious root cause analysis. Surprisingly, the empress usually rescues me from the so called entanglement, by making the honest confession. Very evidently the corruption was completely rootless until the show was managed by the "Man of Peace", so the circumstantial evidence too points the finger toward the queen. Who was synonymous to this very nation as someone once famously mentioned "She is India", going little further she even renamed the political party by her name. The naked dance of power in literal sense reminding the folklore of Aurangzeb as a cruel and oppressive ruler. Well she too reinforced dynastic politics by gatecrashing herself and enrolling her off-springs as the natural heir to the chair. Proclamation of emergency in mid seventies as a hopeless last measure to avoid losing power clearly underscores her tyrant attitude.

ET once mentioned she legalized corruption in India. She in fact nationlised corruption along with the banking sector. Tales of her bribing public servants during elections and general governance was so widespread that corruption became practice (a necessary evil) a generally accepted norm in India. However, stimulus to write this exclusive piece on the empress was more for the other stupendous contribution, criminalisation. In fact the empress was drawing synergy from this unique fusion story of corruption and criminalisation as a tool for chronic power. The media was made deaf and dumb, the opposition was reduced to prisoners languishing behind the bar and nation at large was terrified from the fear of castration. In one of our regular discussions, my journalist friend working as a state govt information officer, instigated me to write a blog on this. Well, the story is yet to unfold, the brave accounts of the local Robin-hood, a gladiator who had the guts to defy the empress.

The story continues...


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